Wednesday, 1 June 2011

New Build Or Not New Build That is the Question?!

It has always been a dream of mine to design and build my own house. Even as a child playing with my Lego I used to want to build my dream home, sounds kind of sad I know but hey we were all young once! Over the last few years I have managed to make some friends in the trade as well as put some money away for this project. And now finally having the financial backing and finding a spot for me to start my new build planning for my house I have come to a stand still due to not knowing about the rules and regs.

I am a complete novice with this type of thing and I was trying to get a little bit of info on what rules and regulations there are for new build planning. I understand the basics such as the dimensions of the property and things like that but I am none the wiser on things like cost, procedure etc. Money is not too much of a worry but I do want to make sure that the new build planning correspondes with all the required regulations. So after looking around and reading a few posts and blogs from people I decided to post my findings in hope that it may help out others.

Here is just a bit of information to clear up a few myths and such like that are mentioned about new builds and the regulations to go with them.

The Local Authority will have a written policy which has instructions for what sort of buildings may be constructed in any area and, it also defines the construction style. Whether an application is approved or declined will depend mainly on the local guidelines.

Planning Permission and Building Regulation are frequently misperceived and misunderstood for new build planning permission. Both are the responsibility of the Local Authority. Planning Permission is the permission required to construct or extend a building.

Building Regulations explain the guidelines on how the new build planning permission is worked and how it must be built. Local Authorities are merely concerned with the visual aspect of any development, and how suitable is its intended use. Any individual can make the planning application even if they do not own the land or have any concern in the land. A notice of the application will be published in the local newspaper and notices posed at the property. Neighbours and anybody with an opinion are able to view the plans and make statements which the Local Authority will have to take into account.

It is a general government policy that development must be allowed unless there are worthy reasons to refuse Planning Permission. New Build Planning Permission is officially decided by a Planning Committee, if the matter is routine, the committee will normally give a positive response to the official's recommendations. However, it is always worth consulting the officials before an application is put forward.

In case a permission is declined, there is a right of appeal - first to the council, and then to the Secretary of State. Which probably is not worthwhile for a smaller application, but big developers always call on their specialists to make some modifications and finally get their wishes.

Building Regulations define how a new build is to be built so that the building is structurally safe, secured from the hazard of fire, energy efficient and has ample ventilation for its purpose. An application for Building Regulations approval is not advertised and only the person applying and the Local Authority are involved. Building Regulations approval will always be required even if Planning Permission is not.

Building Regulations approval is awarded by the building control officers of local authorities, they are generally different from the planning officials. Once approval has been given and work started, the local building Inspector will attend the site at particular stages to inspect the construction work, and they may change the necessities as the work progresses. The most common change is most likely at the foundation stage when the Inspector will see the subsoil before the concrete is poured. If the inspector believes that the planned depth is not deep enough, they can stress that the foundations be deepened before the concrete is laid.

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